
Five ways a global pandemic has affected our environment

Five ways a global pandemic has affected our environment

There isn’t a corner of the planet that remains unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Of course, much of the impact has been utterly devastating but this worldwide disruption has had some surprising and very positive side effects on both our environment and climate here in the UK and across the globe.

Wandering Wildlife

From the goats heading down from the hills to check out deserted Welsh towns to turtles laying their eggs on a Delhi beach they have avoided for years due to human presence, animals the world over have been growing bolder.  The reduction in pollution and absence of human threat in their habitats and playgrounds have opened up more of the world to wildlife once again seeing populations soar and thrive.

Better Air Quality

The air quality in Wuhan, one of the first to enter a complete lockdown, leapt significantly as life as we know it ground to a halt. The combination of reduced industrial activity and fewer people on the roads and streets meant that China enjoyed 11.4% more ‘good quality air’ days than the year before.  This is a pattern replicated across the world (including in the UK).

Less Travel

Country after country closed their international borders which led to the grounding of flights across the planet and a substantial reduction in associated emissions.  More locally, as the UK entered its own lockdowns, domestic travel, public transport use and commuting to and from work saw a massive drop off.  At one point just under 50% of the British workforce was working remotely which not only significantly reduced traffic on the roads and associated pollution but reduced the amount of energy being produced from office buildings now sitting empty.

Healthier Waterways

The reduction of traffic on the worlds’ oceans and waterways has given the planets’ H20 a new lease of life.  From enormous, container ships crisscrossing shipping lanes around the earth to passenger cruises docking in beautiful ports, water travel also came to a grinding halt in early 2020. Just as we have seen online, marine wildlife has begun to thrive again, free from the tonnes of waste thrown from ships each year. The clearer waters in Venetian canals, a direct side effect of halting the sediment stirring gondolas, has drawn dolphins back to the city for the first time in years.

Reduced C02 Emissions

In the UK we have seen a huge increase in sports shoe and bicycle sales as people have searched for more ways to enjoy the environment around them.  Being unable to travel far from home, by plane, train or automobile has naturally caused people to opt for more sustainable options to explore their local area. In turn this has reduced CO2 emissions not only in Britain but across the planet.

A change in lifestyle…

On a more personal level, the pandemic has changed how many of us are living our daily lives.  Spending more time locally, working from home, reducing international travel and consuming less has opened our eyes to doing things differently.

There are simple, low cost measures you can take at home to reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the world around you, as well as saving some money along the way.

We can help you with a Combisave, a device that fits to the pipes going into your boiler in order to reduce water wastage by up to 28,000 litres per year and significantly cuts down household Co2 emissions. It can also save a family of four up to £250 a year on yearly energy bills.

If you need any assistance with making your home more environmentally sound, please visit