Preparing Your Home for an Unexpected Cold Snap
Who can forget those big old March snowstorms of three years ago? The ones that ground the UK to a halt and huddled the whole country under a frozen blanket. The weather in the UK, and further afield, is getting increasingly unpredictable with cold spells like that one seemingly coming from nowhere, potentially causing all kinds of problems in unprepared homes. The good news is that however unexpected a cold front might be, there are some easy things you can do to make sure you don’t end up forking out for damage that is easily preventable.
- PressureSentry
It’s important to monitor the pressure levels in your plumbing system at all times – any unexpected drop in pressure can cause modern systems to simply shut down leaving you without hot water and heating. Not great at the best of times, even worse if an unexpected cold spell hits. The PressureSentry is a simple low pressure warning device which alerts you if your system is losing pressure, allowing you to take essential action before your boiler gives up. Find out more:
- FrostSentry
Insurance claims for frozen or damaged pipes are on the rise and run into the thousands of pounds. Protect your pipework with another straightforward device: the FrostSentry. The FrostSentry protects the condensate pipe in your boiler as temperatures drop by montoring the external temperature and kicking into action when it gets colder than 2.5C. Gently heating the water in your pipes, this handy device prevents any residual water in your pipes from freezing and causing untold damage to your entire plumping system. Even better, it works on a thermostat system which continues to heat the water in your pipe as temperatures dip even further so you can cosy up inside and relax.
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Visit to discover simple ways to protect your home from an unexpected cold spell.