Why Spring Is the Perfect Time to Check Your Oil Burning System
As we head full speed into Spring 2021, so many of us will simply be switching off the heating and forgetting all about it until the cold sets in again next winter. Especially this year as lockdown is lifting and there’s so very much of life outside of the home to catch up on! If you live in one of the 1.5 million houses in the UK that relies on an oil-burning system for your household heating and hot water, don’t leave anything to chance: now is the ideal time to get your system checked over and ready to switch …
Make sure your oil tank is safe this winter
If we asked you how many homes across the UK weren’t connected to the national grid, how many would you say? If we told you that the number is around 1.5 million would you be surprised? Wondering what they’re using? The answer to that is an heating oil tank. Many using it prefer it to mains gas — it burns hotter than gas, so it warms a home quicker than gas or electric heaters. The systems are generally more efficient too, with less fuel wasted and more fuel converted into heat. There are definite pluses to oil heating, and generally …
Why getting a KBB Fire Valve will give you peace of mind this winter
With all the stormy weather we’ve been having, there’s nothing more comforting when you get home from a long day at work than firing up the central heating or running yourself a hot bath. But if you live in one of the 1.5 million homes in the UK that relies on domestic heating oil to keep your home warm and water hot, have you ever thought about the safety of your oil-fired boiler? Around 400 domestic fires are started by central and water heating appliances each year in the UK; that’s a worrying high number, but what can we do …
Help keep your household safe from fire with our top 10 tips
The fire and rescue service attends more than 160k fires each year in the UK, around 30k of which occur in our homes. 261 people died in fires last year alone, and a further 6,902 were injured. Whilst demands on the service remain as high as ever, government funding for fire and rescue services has been cut by £155 million since 2016, and firefighters are being expected to do ‘more with less,’ taking on increased duties for the same pay. Average response times have increased by 4% since 2011 and look likely to continue to rise without increasing investment according …
OFTEC urges householders to keep oil tank servicing up to date following serious house fire
On Saturday 13th April, a home in County Antrim, Northern Ireland was completely destroyed by a runaway oil tank fire that continued to rage for around two hours. The blaze, which it’s believed was started deliberately in a recycling bin at the back of the house, quickly spread to an oil tank and ripped through a 60-year-old woman’s home. Three neighbouring properties were also damaged, along with two vehicles which were parked outside, and a nearby electricity substation, leaving many without power. A 50-strong crew from the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue service attended with seven pump appliances and an …
Why get a KBB Fire Valve?
Around 400 domestic fires are started by central and water heating appliances in the UK each year. If you live in one of the 1.5 million UK homes that relies on domestic heating oil, have you ever thought about the safety of your oil-fired boiler? The KBB is a fast acting, thermally operated safety valve that will snap closed and cut off the oil supply when the temperature exceeds a set value, helping to safeguard your home and family against the danger of an oil-fuelled, runaway fire. Prevent a fire from starting If your oil-burning appliance overheats for any reason (for …
Heating merchants and distributors warned over imitation fire safety valves
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam efficitur rutrum diam, ut commodo ipsum elementum. Duis quis iaculis purus, eget mattis urna. Quisque consectetur odio ac ante fermentum malesuada. Nullam eget lectus euismod, rutrum quam quis, venenatis ligula. …
Teddington upgrades production line and marks 60th anniversary of KBB Fire Safety Valve
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam efficitur rutrum diam, ut commodo ipsum elementum. Duis quis iaculis purus, eget mattis urna. Quisque consectetur odio ac ante fermentum malesuada. Nullam eget lectus euismod, rutrum quam quis, venenatis ligula. …